What is Bright club?
It's a regular comedy night started in 2009 down in London that has academics getting up behind the mic and entertaining audiences about their subject/research. Over the past 2 years it has also kicked off several other 'branches' in cities across the UK. More importantly there is one here in Cambridge, held at the Portland Arms and organised by Andrew Holding.
How to get invovled?
If you want to get invovled you don't need to have any comedy experience just the desire to get up on stage and give it a try (we'll even give you a training session before hand and the support of professional comedians!). There are no restrictions so it is open to all subjects to take part from the arts, humanities and sciences.
If you want to take part in what we believe is a really fun and unique experience then get in contact!
Don't want to miss out on the next training session then sign up to the training mailing list.
Where can I keep up to date?
You can also find us on the Bright Club - Cambridge Facebook Page or on Twitter as @BrightClubCam.
For the rest of you we also have a mailing list specifically so that you can find out
about upcoming events through the Cambridge University mailing system
that anyone can join:
Mailing List Sign-up
Feel free to get in contact at andy@thinkoutreach.org
We would very much like to thank Sarah West for drawing and providing us with the duck logo and the Medical Research Council for supporting our first event.